My two old teeth

My two old teeth have been with me a very long time. Mr Fox the woodland Dentist tried to force them out with his pliers but I gave him a black eye before running off, he’s a horrible fox but I enjoyed clamping my jaw down on his furry paw, boy did he squeal! He thought he was taking my last 2 teeth well he certainly had a surprise when he realised how strong and jagged they were.

Hair of the bear

Uhhhhhhh ……. Easter Sunday but a late night stuffing myself with chocolate eggs and I’m a rough bellied bear, forget hair of the dog, I need hair of the bear!  Mmm All all of my woodland friends gave me Easter presents but dare I say I’ve eaten too much. Another 5 minutes and I’ll feel much better. Mr Ostrich gave me a HUGE egg which really is bigger than my belly, so soon I will be deliriously happy … Catch up later on from your favourite loveable bear, Henrietta xxx